“Mokshya Honey” is renowned brand for Nepalese Local market for raw state natural honey since last 20 years previously known as “Mama Honey”. Our Company Honeyhunt Concern Nepal directly deals in Bee Farming and Honey Production activities to Retail as well as whole sale market of Honey. We are highly conscious about handling of honey during period of honey extraction to customers point process to preserve natural properties of honey.
Our mission is to eliminate gap between beekeepers and consumers to provide fresh natural honey at competitive price directly from farm to household consumers as well as industrial users. We want to aware them about quality and genuineness of natural honey and its uses in their daily diet through various informative campaigns. In the perspective of Modern Nepalese Beekeeping history there is huge investment of INGOs, Nepal Government, Local NGOS, Beekeepers, Researchers, Honey Traders but customers are still confuse about genuineness of Nepalese Honey. Quality of honey market is deteriorated by jackle honey traders who offers honey by unnecessary manual as well machine intervention for so called consistency in quality which ultimately damage the natural and biological property of honey. We are going to offer original form of honey as prepared by bees(using natural processing only). In essence honey is prepared by bee as per seasonal flower available so there is variation of colour, smell, thickness as per locality of bee farming………….so pls KNOW YOUR BEEKEEPER BEFORE CONSUME HONEY CONTACT DEATILS: Farm Office: Kalika Municipality-8, Chitwan Akkil Bdr. Budhathoki +977 9849001775 (Farm Incharge) Kathmandu Office: Bafal Ringroad (Back side of Near Matadevi Petrol Pump) Sumitra Kafle +977-014302240, +977 9841140015( Managing Director) For Business Deal: Suraksha Baskota +977 9849449988 (Marketing Director) email: naturalnepalihoney@gmail.com http://www.facebook.com/honeyhuntnepal Youtoube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utT9MlFylIw&t=81s STAY ENERGETIC WITH *********MOKSHYA HONEY********* MORNING TO EVENING & EVENING TO MORNING……….:-) 🙂 🙂